Richard Rohr’s Theology

Link to article (here).

Seminary professor and author, Dr. Douglas Groothuis:

“Not all who speak of ‘Christ’ mean the Jesus Christ of Scripture, the true Lord and Savior of the universe. Jesus Himself warned us of imposters who would rise after His departure. ‘At that time if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Messiah!’ or, ‘There he is!’ do not believe it” (Matthew 24:23; see also 1 John 4:1–6; 2 Corinthians 11:14–15). Not everyone who uses Christian terminology uses the Bible as their dictionary for meaning. Jesus further warned of those who nullified Scripture by their preference for merely human opinions (Matthew 15:1–7; see also Colossians 2:8). Rohr has a perverse skill of twisting Scripture to fit his unbiblical worldview (2 Peter 3:16).”

If you work in formal church ministry and know of anyone immersed in the Enneagram, please be aware that Richard Rohr has personally mentored the 3 most popular enneagram authors: Heuertz, Cron, and Stabile. Beth McCord admits on her webpage (Your Enneagram Coach) that she began her Enneagram journey by “devouring” Rohr’s Enneagram book.

🎤To demonstrate the gravity of this situation, here is a quote by Fr. Rohr via his webpage:

“Jesus was objectively Christ from his birth in Bethlehem, his conception in Nazareth, just like you and I are objectively Christ. Now, his human journey, again, just like us, was the slow coming to that realization.”(1)🚩

Fr Richard Rohr

A self-professed Panentheist who teaches Perennial Wisdom, Rohr advocates both a “different Jesus” and a “different gospel” (2 Cor 11: 4). And he is just passing along the message of the original Enneagram architect (Gurdjieff; 1916).

Friends, attempting to remove Rohr from Enneagram programming is likened to neglecting to thank your foreign language instructor for teaching you Spanish, English, or French. You’re still speaking the language, regardless of whether you mention their name.

42 minutes
